Friday, November 21, 2008

Halloween 2008

I know these pics are a little late but I had to get them up eventually. Halloween was really fun this year because Brooklyn was old enough to enjoy it more than she did last year. She caught on to the concept of trick-or-treating for candy really fast. She would get her candy and speed on to the next spot. If given a choice she would always grab suckers to put in her bag. She's a silly girl. She was a purple butterfly this year and she was just adorable.

Kasia wanted to be something scary this year, so she choose to be a corpse bride or black rose bride as the package read. She wanted her face painted and everything. This pic is after she had already been to her school parade and rubbed her face a little bit, she said it itched pretty bad. She managed to keep most of the paint on her face for the majority of the day though. We had a lot of places to visit so she wanted to keep the full effect all day long. This was taken when we stopped to visit my mom and she just had to make a scary face pose. :) She had fun!

This is a picture of all of us minus daddy of course. I was a "Bun in the Oven" (hehe) and he was "The Bun Maker". Somehow I never managed to actually get a picture of Cody in costume, oh well I guess. He had an apron that stated his title and a huge chef's hat to go with it. It made for fun conversation when we weren't together. When we were around each other we got a lot of people saying "Oh I get it now". Not so funny when you have to explain your costume. We went to a ward party and I had a bunch of kids come up and ask me what I was :) I got everything from "are you an astronaut?" to "I know, you're a washer, right?" I got a kick out of it when I would tell them "No, I'm a bun in the oven" They always looked confused, so I just told them to go ask their parents...LOL. We had a good time though.